I was aiming to blog about each of my chemotherapy cycle at the end of my chemotherapy weekend but I missed the third cycle. I’ve already completed my forth cycle but here I am trying to recollect the experience of my third cycle because as a chemotherapy patient, I enjoyed reading the progress of each cycle of other patients; it gave me a glimpse of what to expect at different stage of the journey. It’s reassuring so let’s do this.
During my third cycle, I learned that I’m just quite hopeless when it comes to productivity during chemotherapy and that hair fall is something I need to deal with at least until my treatment ends (FYI, colon cancer chemotherapy does not cause hair loss).
Besides that, RK learned alongside me that life is as usual even with chemotherapy, just like what my doctor told me prior to treatment. We went to the mall after my hospital visit. We caught a movie 2 days after finishing my third cycle. And I went for a 3d2m shopping trip to Bangkok a week after! This explains why I have less time for my blog now.

All these are possible only because I’ve learned how my body responds to chemo from the first two cycles. And the doctor has observed enough to allow me go for the Bangkok trip. The initial plan was to go for caving experience in Miri, Sarawak and even that, he allowed without me trying to persuade. In fact, I thought he wouldn’t allow and was prepping my colleagues that I may have to skip the trip. What a surprise, right?
So all is well so far. And I’m proud and happy to say that my third chemotherapy was actually more manageable than my second one. The side effects were not as intense and I recover from them faster. Even my colleague noticed the better flush on my face when I returned work 3 days after chemotherapy.
Honestly, my diet was worse than my second chemo because I was getting bored of the same food I’ve been taking for months now. I was also just getting tired of eating; my laziness to fill my tummy explains why I’ve been underweight all my adult life. Besides that, I was getting less rest too. I’ve been working more because there’s more work and I happen to have more energy to do more.
So what may have helped me cope better with my chemotherapy? Even my doctor was surprised when I told him I’m coping better.
I suspect it’s qi gong.
I’ve practised qi gong more frequently after hearing testimonials from other cancer patients who benefited from qi gong during a qi gong sharing session organized for cancer patients.
I’ve been doing it more accurately as well after additional coaching was given.
I’d share more about some stuffs mentioned here in a separate post. For now, I’m just thankful that the third chemotherapy went well. 😊