Hope you liked Day 1 Photo Story. Our Day 2 in Hong Kong was a little different. We didn’t visit that many landmarks but instead spent the day exploring the Central District. We had a list of food to eat but many were closed on a Sunday because Central District is a lot less quiet on non-working days.
Before the photos, I just want to say wear comfortable walking shoes to Central District. The roads were all slanted and there were crazy a lot of stairs. Ahhh~
Day 2 – Central District, Ozone Bar Ritz-Carlton
We caught the tram! It was very exciting because we never sat in one before. Running on electricity on a tramway, the tram can accelerate fast and it moves smoothly.I took a lot of selfies during the trip because I wanted to take a lot of photos but RK was too lazy to entertain me. Since the selfie obsession started on Day 1, I just made it a must-do at every landmark. I should compile all my selfies.Alicia commented that I was a bully during the trip. Oh yes. It was fun air punching Victor at the staircase where most of the dramatic TVB drama scenes take place at. Can you recognize the staircase?We didn’t bother to walk up the staircase because there shouldn’t be anything interesting. Plus, Central already required a lot of walking. We saved our energy for some creative photography instead. My idea! Good or not? Haha.Walked around the area and spotted some outdoor decor in front of Times Square. Isn’t the bear so lovable?I’m not the type who insists to clear the scene before a photo so I couldn’t be bothered a girl photobombed Bing Bong. Now that Inside Out is aired and I loved it, I’m glad I had taken this photo!RK and I went to Mong Kok to buy a new camera lens in the evening. This is one of the first few photos taken with the new lens. The lens we brought was a manual focus so that’s why RK was so reluctant to take photos. Did I mention we got the lens at half price of Malaysia’s RRP?Did I also mention this giant sculpture was actually very realistic in person? The water droplets looked real. There were even facial hairs on the sculpture!Wanted to align our hands for optical illusion but RK gave up trying with so many onlookers. *shy*Went to M&C Duck, a famous restaurant in Harbour City, for dinner. Look at the cute chopsticks holder!We ordered Peking duck and I created my SOP for making my wrap. Stack the ingredients in the center. Spread sauce at the edges for adhesion later. Fold. And eat. Yay~We only ordered this much for the four of us. We never ordered a lot wherever we go. But it’s sufficient. We had been eating the whole day prior.Us in a red taxi! There’s no significance to the colour but we were just excited. Oh. While waiting for taxi, we witnessed the level of ruthlessness and vulgarity Hong Kong taxi drivers can get when things are not in order.We were dressed up for RK’s birthday eve celebration at Hong Kong’s highest bar: Ozone Bar at the 118th floor of Ritz-Carlton.The girls in front of Ozone Bar’s signage at the lobby of Ritz-Carlton.RK was teaching Victor how to operate the camera (yes, Victor needed a tutorial) and I was just fooling around for the test shots.Turned out that Victor was a fast learner! Here’s his first photo with RK’s new camera lens.Took this photo to compare make up vs no make up face. Alicia was lazier than me, for once! Even though I only resorted to a quick 5-min make up before running out the door.Forgot the name of the drink but it’s some Ozone bubble water or something. Even RK wanted to play with the bubble.RK’s new lens was amazing. Easy to use. Works under low light condition. (Actually it’s the camera body that did the magic because we bought a kit lens. LOL) Of course we had to take more photos!Supposed to make funny faces but the birthday boy didn’t bother.With his new lens, RK just voluntarily asked me to pose for photos. Geeky boyfiend gets new camera = posey girlfriend gets more photos! Win-win.It was a Sunday night. The bar was quite quiet. Best opportunity to take more photos with its beautiful interior.After getting familiarized with the camera, we started doing remote shutter shots. RK’s Sony phone synced with the Sony camera for live viewing and shutter via his phone. Awesome!The highlight of this photo was not our funny faces. But the creepy waiter that photobombed us. Hahahahaha!We had to take more remove shutter shots to justify the cost of the new lens. You can see RK holding his phone for control in this photo.There’s a window view seating area but it was full already so we only went to the area to grab some photos. Beautiful night view, isn’t it?The photo session continued after the drink, at the foyer of Ritz Carlton, just because we can. Look at the night skyline! And the full moon.RK must have been in good mood after the drink. He’s taking more photos!I’d never say no to more photos with the mesmerizing skyline. Wee~
We ended the night with a birthday song by the roadside of Temple Street because it was 12am sharp when we got off the taxi back home. What a memorable 25th birthday? Hahaha.
Oh I really totally forgotten about the lens. Somehow day one photo was not bad either
Yippie! That’s why we should take lots of photos and I should blog.