If I can only choose to recommend one thing to fellow new cancer patients who approach me for wellness advice, it would be to practise qi gong. This coming from a mid-20 city girl says quite a lot, doesn’t it?
When I first heard about doing qi gong every day at dawn from a TMC practitioner to complement my conventional cancer treatment, I was skeptical. Skeptical because qi gong sounded mythical — like something done by people who have reached nirvana or sort. Skeptical also because qi gong sounded old — indeed, the qi gong center I went were mostly people above 50. Moreover, who starts exercising in the stadium at 5.45am every day?!
I went anyway for my first class upon his recommendation. After all, when I first started, I was on a 6-week medical leave and I wasn’t sleeping well. Might as well check out this qi gong thing.
During my first meeting with the 返老还童 Infinite Youth Qi Gong Association at Stadium Kota Raja in Klang, I was directed to the instructor by what an outsider described as someone “very beautiful with a certain glow.” C’mon. I was already thinking qi gong was a certain mythical art and now the instructor is described as angelic? Too much to process.
The instructor was Senior Bee Jiun (everyone was addressed as Senior despite age and qi gong experience). She did have a healthy glow on her face even though physique-wise, she looked like an ordinary mother in her 40s (I’m assuming). She was soft spoken, patient and had a calm demeanor as she welcomed me, understood my medical condition and guided me through my first lesson.
The first lesson was done one-to-few, depending on how many newbies there were present. Senior Bee Jiun gave step-by-step demonstration to the hour-long qi gong practice. She explained every step in detail: how to stand, how to breathe, how to move, how to focus, what to see, what to say, what to think, what to feel. My mom gave up mid-way on her first lesson. She was just not patient enough to learn the very detailed art of qi gong.
Not enough with the detailed explanation by Senior Bee Jiun in person, she left me with a booklet after the lesson. The book had even more explanations on the many reasons for the way things are done at 返老还童 Infinite Youth Qi Gong; why practise starts at 5.45am daily, how practice location is selected, what each of the moves is for, etc. Well, that was convincing.

I am a person of order and reason. It comforted me to be guided through an organized induction. It intrigued me to learn that every single thing (big or small) done at 返老还童 Infinite Qi Gong came with a quite scientific rationale I could accept.
They were very careful when guiding me through the practice too because I had a one-month-old colectomy surgery wound right at the center of my abdomen. I was forbidden to do so many things within the qi gong routine. It was reassuring to know that they took careful measures to attend to my individual need.

But honestly, I didn’t feel the difference everyone else at the center was professing within a week of practice. Many have said that qi gong helped them stay more alert during the day, sleep better at night and improve their health predicaments within a few days – sore joints, skin problems, constipation, etc. But then again, I probably did 50% or less of actual qi gong. For that, I gave qi gong the benefit of the doubt. After all, my surgeon and oncologist were supportive of my qi gong practice too. It seemed that their other patients have benefited from qi gong.
My curiosity on the effectiveness of qi gong intensified when I tried breathing the qi gong way 3 months after my colectomy surgery — yes, I was forbidden to breathe the qi gong way for months. Before the end of my hour-long practice, I felt my wound reacting to me in a way I never felt before; it was not in a good way. I quickly reverted to the moves I was allowed to for 6 months after surgery. But wow, qi gong could have such impact!
Waking up at 5am everyday for qi gong was not easy at all. My attendance started to drop and when I got back to work, I did a simplified version at home, if any at all. By the time I started my first chemotherapy, I was barely practising.

Then Senior Bee Jiun gave me a call to check on me. Many strangers and acquaintances have been checking on me since cancer diagnosis, with the intention to sell me things. But 返老还童 Infinite Youth Qi Gong was different. The instructors were volunteers so they didn’t get paid to teach every day. The center collected only RM20 monthly for activities — that’s less than RM0.70 per lesson!
返老还童 Infinite Qi Gong dedicated themselves to cancer patients so don’t be surprised if they offer cancer patients with free supplements, free goodies and free consultation to as far as Perth, if patients are genuinely accepting qi gong as part of the healing process. Put it simply, they help those who help themselves. Fair enough.

So when Senior Bee Jiun checked on me right before my second chemotherapy, that encouraged me to practise qi gong religiously again. I practised qi gong almost daily for 2 weeks between my second and third chemotherapy and guess what! My third chemotherapy felt much bearable than my second even though side effects were supposed to intensify. I was finally sold. Mind you, I still wasn’t practising qi gong at its entirety.

I have to be frank though that I’m no longer practising qi gong now. I think I’ve only done it 5 times in the past 6 months. It’s just difficult to cope with the daily practice at early hours.
Regardless, qi gong continues to have a special place in my mind and heart. It’s my comfort exercise. I do it when I feel unhealthy physically, emotionally or spiritually.
Qi gong is not about moving around slowly. It’s a holistic exercise with many elements: stretching, cardio, balance, meditation, gratitude. I would liken the concept behind the art of qi gong to yoga, except this is from the ancient Chinese. It’s just unfortunate that it has been marketed as old.
If you’re interested in learning more about qi gong through 返老还童 Infinite Youth, buzz me and I’d connect you to them. At time of writing (updated Sept 2019), they have a presence in 13 locations in Klang Valley:
- Pandamaran, Klang
- Stadium Kota Raja, Klang
- Setia Alam, Shah Alam
- KGSAAS, Shah Alam
- Kota Kemuning, Shah Alam
- Putra Heights, Subang
- SS18, Subang
- USJ 11, Subang
- Wawasan Recreation Park, Puchong
- Bukit Jalil, KL
- Taman Pudu Ulu, Cheras
- Taman Bukit Maluri, Kepong
There’s a Facebook Group as well to find more info: https://www.facebook.com/groups/IQA.Malaysia/
(Updated Sept 2019) If you’d like to try out, you may reach out to the respective person-in-charge via the contact information found on this link: https://www.infiniteqigong.net/blank-10
Ending the post with a testimonial published on Borneo Post by a 70-year-old terminal stage lymphatic cancer survivor, who credited qi gong for his recovery: Elderly Fights Cancer with Breathing Technique.
Disclaimer (updated Feb 2019): I have not been practising qi gong for a while now as I cannot keep up with the schedule.
Hi, currently during the covid pandemic are there Qi Gong classes in PJ? I wish to know more about the classes available
Hi Adrian! Honestly, I’m not sure because I lost touch with the classes already. Best if you call up one of the instructors listed in this link to check: https://www.infiniteqigong.net/blank-10. Hope this helps.
My mom just recovered from a minor stroke and I’d like to know if qigong helps with her recovery?
Hi… I’m not sure because they do take extra precaution for heart patients. You can reach out to Infinite Youth center to check ya. The contact is on their website in this link: https://www.infiniteqigong.net/blank-10
I’m so sorry. I can’t read Chinese
The link has a map. Click on the location nearest to you and you’d see the contact number of the person in charge.
Hi is there a class in taman tun? Any contact no to find out? Thank you
Hi! According to their website, they have class at TTDI. You may find the contact on this link: https://www.infiniteqigong.net/blank-10
Hi, I stay at taman maznah. May I have contact of the person in charge. Thank you.
Hi Stephanie. Please find the nearest center from the map on this link: https://www.infiniteqigong.net/blank-10. Once you identify and click on the location, there’d be link to contact the respective person-in-charge on WhatsApp. Hope this helps!
Hi, are there still Qi Gong classes in Setia Alam? How can I get to know more about the classes available?
Hi Tina! Just dropped you an email with contact number for Setia Alam center. Hope it helps!
Hi, Stacy.. Just would like to thank you for your this Infinite QiGong blog. From this blg, I get to know this Qigong & join the class at Kota kemuning…
Hi Tina! Glad to know that my sharing has benefited you ❤️❤️❤️ Thanks for letting me know!
Hi kyension, how do join the qigong class in bukit Jalil? Can help to connect us to the person in charge?
Hi! Just emailed you an old contact for Bukit Jalil. Do check it out and all the best! Thanks for dropping by!
Hi Kyension, I have sent you an email. Could you kindly advise any location to learn infinite qi gong around batucaves, or kepong area? Thank you.
Hi kyension,
Is the instructional booklet also in Mandarin or English? I have joined the Infinite Youth Qigong practice in Kuching. However, I would like to know more details in written form. Would you be able to email me the booklet (English or Mandarin all ok)? My email address is [email protected].
Hi. I’ve lost the booklet already actually. Can’t find the scanned copy too. But anyway, I don’t remember the booklet having any details about the techniques. It just talks about Infinite Youth Qi Gong, FAQ like why practise in the early morning, testimonials, etc.
Hi Jeen, I am nose cancer patient. Stayed in Andalas Klang. Would like to infinite qi Gong. Where can I infinite Qi Gong in Klang. Thank you
Hi. The nearest one to you should be at the Klang stadium. They’re the everyday 5.45am to about 8am. If you want to practise, you’d need to be there by 5.45am.
Good day Kyension, happy new year to you. May i have the details for Klang, Setia Alam and Kota Kemuning? Thanks and be well always.
Happy New Year, Jeen! Just emailed the contacts over =)
Hi kyension
Appreciate if you could send me a copy of the Instructions in English as I have difficulty in understanding the instruction in mandarin. FYI I have just join the infinite qigong.
Thank you in advance.
Hi, Jan! Sorry, I don’t seem to be able to find back my copy of the booklet. Perhaps try asking the instructors for the English version. They should have it.
Hi wld like to hv contact for qui gong in bkt jalil pls. Tq
Hi! Have emailed you the contact. Hope it helps!
Hi Kyension, thank you for your sharing, it’s very enlightening. Please send me the details for Bukit Jalil, I live in old klang road. Would like to consider joining depending on the schedules ..thank you 😄
Hi Denise! Glad that you find it enlightening. I’ve emailed you the contact for Bukit Jalil. Let me know if you didn’t get the email =)
Hi Kyension
I have just heard my auntie talk about infinite qigong and its amazing benefits. I am very keen to join a qigong class. I live in Bukit Rimau. Would be grateful if u could direct me to the nearest group. Thank you.
Hi Pui Yin. I think Kota Kemuning would be the nearest. Can you drop me an email at [email protected]? I’d email back with the contact details. Thanks.
Hi, John! Will drop you a text on this =)
hi – glad to be here – i wish to inquire qiqong for cancer for my dad at Wawasan Recreation Park, Puchong — my watsapp 0199384391, i hope somebody could get in touch with me and point me to the right way— thank you!
Hi Kyension, I’m interested in learning 返老还童 Qi Gong. May I have the details or contact of the practice location in TTDI? Thanks!
Hi Ms. Kan. Sorry I missed your msg. Just replied to your email. Hope that helps =)
Hi Kyension, glad to read that you are doing well! Keep it up! Can I have details for Klang?
Hi, Ivy! Thanks for dropping by. I’ve emailed you the contact =) Cheers.
Hi Kyension me and wife are interested to join this qigong form. Would you be able to please email me the English booklet you sent to Jas above and also a contact at TTDI centre for us to enquire further. Many thanks.
Hi, Lee! Just sent you an email. I just realized I don’t have TTDI contact so I gave you another contact that you can reach out to. Hope that helps. All the best!
Hi Kyension.. Can i have the details for usj, kota kemuning and klang? Tqvm
Hi, Wei Chin! Just emailed you the contact details. All the best!
Hi kyension….can i have the details for usj and setia alam? Tq
Hi Julie. Just sent you an email with the contact details. Thanks for reaching out!
Hi kyension,
Is the instructional booklet also in English? I have just joined the Infinite Youth Qigong practice in Kuching. However, I have problems understanding the instructions fully in Mandarin. Would you be able to email me the booklet if it’s also in English? My email address is [email protected].
Hi Jas. Not sure the booklet that I have is helpful but just sent you a copy over email =)
Hi Staci. Would you have a Penang contact? Thank you.
Hi Joanne. I am not sure if they have centers in Penang. I reached out to my contact but no response yet. I’d update you if there’s any. Otherwise, feel free to reach out to them on FB Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/IQA.Malaysia/. Thanks.
Hi Girl!
Do you mind to send me the contact for Kota Kemuning Qi Gong?
Hi Brosche! Just emailed you the contact from [email protected]. Let me know if you didn’t get the email!
Halo kyension,wil like to know for health purpose can a person pratice this qi gong and if in klang who should I contact.tq
Hi Nacy,
Yes! There are many people who practise for wellness purpose despite being healthy now. Treat it like yoga and other exercises that you do even when you have no illness. I’d drop you an email with the contact person of the volunteer for Klang area =)
Hi Nacy,
My email to the email address you provided is rejected. Do email me at [email protected] if you’d like the contact ya. Thanks.