Have you ever imagined what your first concert experience would be like? When I was young, I thought my first concert experience would be Tension’s but it didn’t happen so I always tell myself that my first Chinese concert ever better be worthy enough to fill in the gap left by Tension.
Years after years, I didn’t feel compelled to buy any Chinese concert ticket until I learned that Stefanie Sun was coming to town. I grew up listening to her music and her concert was definitely worthy to be my first Chinese concert experience.
I first heard about the concert when the organizer approached DiGi for sponsorship. Even though the sponsorship (read: free ticket) didn’t work out, I was still keeping my eyes on the concert but didn’t find enough reason to splurge on the tickets. When the concert was rescheduled out of respect for the national mourning of MH17 tragedy, you bet I was on the look out for people who want to release their tickets. I almost purchased her ticket weeks before the concert if not because my sister bailed out on me… Attending the concert alone or going with someone random was not in the picture.
I have pretty much suppressed that wishlist off my mind when my sister incidentally spotted a ticket giveaway contest organized by Groupon Malaysia days before the concert. Ooh~ I joined the creative phrase contest without hoping too much and was so thrilled when I received the call informing me that I have won two VIP tickets to Stefanie Sun’s KEPLER World Tour in Malaysia! That very instant, I thought of Law of Attraction. Never paid much attention to that concept but suddenly, I thought could it be Law of Attraction working its magic? Wow.

The concert was so memorable in so many ways~ It was an adventure traveling to the concert venue because the final game of AFF Suzuki Cup was happening the same time at the stadium next door! My sister and I decided to commute many more hours in advance because we heard over the radio and internet that the stadium area was jammed up since the morning of the match. Whoaaa. Honestly, it was thrilling and unforgettable to see Malaysians from all walks of life, skin colours, faiths and beliefs unite to support our Harimau Malaya team.

For the record, I was in yellow because it was the theme colour for the concert. And I happened to pair the top with a black skirt so I accidentally wore the theme colours of Harimau Malaya. Haha. Unknowingly killed two birds with one stone.

What I remembered most from the show was the extravaganza stage, its mesmerizing light show, its creative display, the interaction between Stefanie and the audience, me swinging a plastic light stick until it’s broken, me jiggling away on my seat, my neighbour (not my sister) who was almost all quiet and still throughout the show (*weird stare for him*), and last but not least, Stefanie Sun and her beautiful voice of course!

It’s so different listening to a recording versus a live show. It’s different from watching a live show on TV as well. I believe everyone who has attended a concert would know what I am talking about. I was totally satisfied with my first concert experience by a Chinese artist. It’s different from the other Western concerts and music festivals that I have attended prior to this. I guess it’s because I have always imagined concerts to be like this. <3 <3 <3
Now, check out the child in me, captured by my sister! You bet I had a fun fun fun time waiting for the concert to start! ^^

Can I just count this as my first concert experience since I’m gonna remember this as the best one yet? Haha. Thanks, Stefanie for the great memory!
p/s This is a late post. I suddenly write about it because it has been lingering in my mind to have this recorded and today seems to be the day I am in the mood to talk about it again. =)