It’s the holiday season now. It’s the time of the year when you send out emails and almost certainly receive an auto-reply email from every other person. Not hard to guess why I am missing Perth, is it? What do I miss about going to Perth? Read on.
The Weather

I visited Perth early November 2015 when spring was coming to an end. The Spring/Summer Perth weather was sunny yet chilly; the sun was shining bright and the breeze was cool. It felt weird to me at first because all my life, my senses have only experienced the hot and humid Malaysian weather. But now? I miss it.
The air may be a little dry for me as I was caught off-guard without any lotion. The wind may be a little too cold for me at night, especially when I wished I could stay outdoor longer. But I loved it indoor at night because no air-cond or fan was needed for a comfortable night sleep. And I loved it even more during the day because it’s so comfortable to roam around.

The Road

No joke. Almost every time I feel sick of driving in Malaysia, I think of the traffic in Perth. Yes, it’s annoying that you can’t speed. But it’s awesome that everyone kinda drives the same speed; no tailgating, no overtaking. That’s one of the formulas to safer roads, more fuel efficient drive, less frustration and less unnecessary traffic jam.
Besides that, I loved the road signs in Perth too. It’s very frank. In Malaysia, we always have this One-Way Street sign that just seems to only appear once you’ve made the wrong turn. In Perth, you see signs like “Turn back” and “Wrong way” so that you immediately know you’re not supposed to be there. Sounds like road sign for dummies but they work for me (maybe I’m a dummy).

The City
Here’s my favourite selfie from Day 2 (yesterday) at Perth. Back camera and front camera view ^^ Just rest and relax on…
Posted by Staci KY Tan on Sunday, November 1, 2015
I loved it that within Perth city, there’s King’s Park where I can stay there all weekend sleeping on the grass or chilling with friends over BBQ. The park is so huge I can pick a different spot every time and will probably take a while to repeat my spot.
Actually I can’t really think of anything else that I really miss in Perth city so maybe I’m not missing the city per se, but just a mesmerizing gigantic park in Perth city.

Oh how I miss Perth even more now. I miss going on holiday (if only holidays are free).
Noticed the things that I miss about Perth are not touristy i.e. seeing kangaroo, petting koala, visiting The Pinnacles, sandboarding at Lanceline, wine tasting, etc.? Well, I guess those are touristy things that you’d enjoy doing once only.
Nevertheless, check out the touristy photos on my Facebook if you’d like to.
p/s I miss the doughnut at Fremantle Markets too. Yums.