ATV Adventure Park, Kampung Kemensah

About 36 hours after the ATV ride, my entire body is still aching from the adventure as I sit on my bed and write about the experience.

girl on atv ride
A victory pose right after the adventurous ATV ride, right before the exhaustion kicked in.

On the morning after Christmas, RK and I joined 11 other friends and friends of friends for an ATV ride at ATV Adventure Park, Kampung Kemensah. It’s located 4.4km deeper into the jungle from Zoo Negara. The drive there was a little narrow but the road condition was alright: tarred.

atv adventure park entrance
Here’s the entrance to ATV Adventure Park. Note that there’s no proper parking space. You gotta park by the road a.k.a. cliff.
Here’s the iconic big rock where every other #atvadventurepark Instagram posts feature it.

When we got there, we signed the indemnity form and were given a 3-min briefing on how to operate the ATV. The briefing sounded something like this: hold the brake to start the engine; hold the brake to change gear; push the throttle gently to accelerate uphill; hold right brake and pump left brake to go downhill; keep your legs in the ATV, keep the steering straight; sit closer to the front; etc. Are you still with me? I thought that was too much new info to remember within 3 minutes.

Anyway, they let us pick our ATVs and practise a few rounds within the compound before leading us into the jungle, the real adventure trail. Honestly, the practice trail was nothing like the real deal, especially when the jungle trail was muddy after a rainfall the night before.

atv ride jungle trail
Somewhere at the start of the jungle trail. Believe there was a tricky spot and thus the instructor was on standby to assist us.

The 13 of us were broken into two groups, lead by an instructor each. The girls led the pack so that we trailed right behind the instructor. From time to time, the instructor would stop us to pre-empt us of the trail ahead and to help us when there’s high chance we’d need his help i.e. getting stuck in the mud, getting stuck in the mud uphill and getting stuck in the mud downhill. You get the drill.

I’m not even sure if I can describe the experience with much justice. Driving the ATV into the jungle made me feel like king of the jungle. It was rough. It was tough. It was dirty. It was macho!

girls on jungle atv
Oh yes. Feeling macho there with the girls that led the pack. We were awesome!
muddy atv trail
Because it was muddy, the trail was like a railway; it helped to keep the ATV “on track” though it also made us get stuck many times. Love-hate relationship with the mud.

You gotta be brave and adventurous to get the best out of the experience. Just max up the throttle going uphill or you’d get stuck. Just hold on to the brake and slide downhill or you’d never make it. And to quote the instructors, “Nampak batu, langgar je. Nampak paip, langgar je.” Yes, just bulldoze your way through and be amazed by the power of the all-terrain vehicle (ATV). The only time to stop? When a tree fell and blocked the way =P

tree fell on atv trail
Seriously, a tree fell due to the overnight rain and we were halted by about half an hour, waiting for chainsaw and manpower to get the tree out of the way.
atv riders chilling
Check out these people who were stuck downhill. ATV traffic jam in the middle of the jungle caused by a fallen tree? Yeah.
atv selfie
Of course, the roadblock meant I had time to selfie with my shower cap! LOL. Wore a shower cap for hygienic purpose. Removed helmet but did not remove shower cap during the break.

We signed up for a 2-hour return ride to Sofea Jane Waterfall for RM150/pax. I think it’s worthy. For the least, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience. In fact, I don’t mind returning to try the other routes. ATV Adventure Park is a recommended extreme sports activity in Selangor! Find the price packages on their website.

sofea jane waterfall
The super bright white background is the Sofea Jane waterfall that we rode to. It was beautiful! Too bad it didn’t have a dipping pool. Someone said I looked like I dressed to dive.
sofea jane waterfall kampung kemensah
We walked slightly downstream for a photo here. You can actually bathe here if you wanna. The water wasn’t really cold when we were there.

Just be warned that if you’re so not fit like me, you’d get full body muscle ache post-activity. Why? Because you have to keep yourself on the ATV even when you feel like bouncing or flying off on the super bumpy, tilted, slanted ride. Also, be prepared for injuries; it’s an extreme sports anyway.

atv rules and regulations
Read #7 and #8!
adidas kampung
Wore my “Adidas kampung” so that I could brace the mud. Glad I did!
wear gloves for atv
Wished they provided gloves because I held the handle so hard that my skin peeled. Nothing serious but gloves would have avoided the injury. Plus, my fingers wouldn’t hurt so bad now from all the hard gripping.
atv adventure park package C route
I tracked the trail with MapMyWalk app even though it’s not a walk/hike. 1.89km in an hour to the waterfall, excluding the waiting time to chop off the tree.
mapmywalk graph
Total elevation gain was 61m, at 310 max. We took the same route both ways.
wefie shower cap
Ending the post with a wefie with friends (and photobombers). Hehe. RK and I look like kitchen helpers here.

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