Chinese New Year came and went! And I managed to celebrate Chinese New Year! Made it out of hospital in time to recuperate at home and look like a healthy person even though I had a 2-week-old and 5-inch-long colectomy surgery wound under my new dresses, in part thanks to a recommendation from a friend to start worrying about my skin, she told me to use a derma roller to help me reduce lines and wrinkles (you can find it at their website, the name is Sdara skin); also, I walked like I was heavily pregnant. Hehe.
I was planning to wear a 2-piece for first day of Chinese New Year but plan had to be aborted of course. So thankfully a red dress that I bought on Zalora while I was in the hospital, arrived just in time.

Thanks to RK and a few close friends that my mom entrusted to be my chaperons, I actually went for house visiting! I was impressed myself. In fact, a friend’s dad innocently said to me, “I heard your sister is sick and went for surgery. How is she now?” “Uncle, I am the one hospitalized. I’m as good as I look now,” I replied with a grin. #likeaboss

Chinese New Year celebration this year felt more blessed than all years before because I was thankful that I could even join the celebration. And my mom kept reminding me that I got my second chance at life, getting to walk out alive after a major surgery.
The downside of this year’s celebration was that I could not eat almost anything festive. My reunion dinner menu was fish porridge. During the 15 days of Chinese New Year, I only ate 2 tiny crackers from yee sang, 0 mandarin oranges, 1.5 butter cookies, 0 dried meat, 5 ngaku (fried arrowhead) and lots of fish porridge.
On a brighter note, I didn’t need to do any house chores and spring cleaning! Woohoo!

Thank you all for the blessings and well wishes this year. It gotta be a 身体健康 year for me definitely.
On another note, LINE Malaysia just announced that I am one of the 88 winners to win a LINE lucky bag worth RM168. No clue what’s inside but yay!