I don’t remember if I ever bought any present for a birthday boy aged 9 in my adulthood. RK and I first went into Toys R Us but found it hard to pick anything. Since the birthday boy likes books, we went into Popular next and stumbled upon this awesome gift choice for boys: iRobot by Carlton Books.
iRobot is a book about robots that leverages on augmented reality (AR) technology. Besides educating kids about robotic technology, the book allows kids to build a robot, walk a robot, interact with humanoid, fly a drone and have robot battles with friends, all via a free mobile apps (Android). This is a great way of getting kids interested in drones after which parents can use the letsflywisely.com and find out the best drones and their reviews which they can then buy for their growing children.

The birthday boy is obsessed with his mobile phone; yes, he has his own phone. So we thought this book with AR activity is definitely something he’d enjoy and learn from at the same time.

For the least, I tried and tested the book prior to wrapping it up, and I loved it. Just in case he doesn’t know how to use the book, at least I can guide him right? Haha.

You can also battle your robot with friends so it’s a social activity too.
Besides iRobot, there are other topics too. I remember seeing iDinosaur, iSolar System, iScience in Popular. It was about RM39.90 or so; for an award-winning educational and interactive augmented reality (AR) book as a birthday gift for a boy, it think it’s worth it.
Watch this video to see what other Carlton Books Digital Magic series there are out there.